Network and Application Performance

Do you need to improve end-user experiences in your organisation? Are you drowning in data but not enough insights? Looking to find the root cause of slow applications?

At Fort Digital, we utilise a range of technologies and methodologies to help our customers identify and remediate slow-running applications. By ensuring networks are effective and efficient, we’ll help you deliver seamless end-user experiences.

Data Visualisation

Is your data in a number of locations? Struggling to articulate what this data means to stakeholders? Searching for ways to bring your data alive?

We use visualisation as an enabler for stronger decision-making for our customers. We take complex systems and large data sets and transform them into visualisations that a wide range of stakeholders can understand – bringing your data alive and helping you tell its story.

Data Acquisition

Finding it difficult to identify data sources, or acquire them at scale?

Gaining the appropriate data set for an organisations use-cases is critical: We understand data sources. We understand how to align them. And we understand how to do that at scale – on premise and in the cloud.

Multi Data Source Ingestion

Struggling to make time-based data work in SQL? Do you have a range of data sources that need to be consolidated? Hoping to improve your data fidelity?

A vast majority of data sets are best understood in the context of time. At Fort Digital, we specialise in time-series databases – and consolidate multiple data sources to provide a data pool that can be queried and utilised for network performance, infrastructure performance, and capacity management.

Data Insights

Drowning in data? Too many tools and technologies? Struggling to extract value from the investments that have been made?

We work with a range of stakeholders and technologies to extract the required value. We’ll help you better understand and utilise your data. Use less technology, more efficiently.

IT Performance Analytics Strategy

Do you want to improve and enhance your existing IT performance analytics function? Are you looking to build a roadmap that ensures your business objectives are met in the short and long-term?

We engage at C level, with architects and IT support stakeholders to ensure a cohesive and long-term approach to performance analytics.

Let’s Work Together

We connect, explore, create, empower and grow together